Are you seeing clearly?
What if there is more to life than what you see and feel right now?
What if you are walking through life without seeing the full picture from God’s perspective? Consider taking on some key spiritual practices that will help you develop the eyes to see the world as God would have you.
Here are 4 suggested practices that can aid you in seeing life more clearly:
Serve others.
Look around and seek to serve the people around you. As you serve, the Spirit will open your eyes to greater spiritual reality.
Private devotion.
Don’t just “do church.” Seek to connect with God each day. Develop habits of private prayer, listening to God through the Scriptures, solitude and meditation.
Participate weekly in being spiritually fed at Christ’s Table.
Don’t walk the spiritual life alone! Connect meaningfully with people of faith. Join a Small Group, Nurture spiritual friendships.
Try putting on these SPECs to help you see more clearly!
If you are wanting more in your spiritual journey, take action now to develop spiritual eyes to see life more clearly. For help on your journey, Fr. Allen is always available for counsel, prayer, and mentoring. Contact him at allenmw@princeton.edu.